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​Video guides for first grade:

Combined duration: 6 hours 32 minutes


  1. Meeting The Children

  2. Gathering Materials

  3. Rhythms of First Grade

  4. The Four Temperaments

  5. Recall

  6. Building a Circle

  7. Form Drawing Block and First Language Arts Block

  8. Second Language Arts Block

  9. Class Plays

  10. Math, First Block

  11. Umbrella Story

  12. Math, Second Block

  13. Math, Third Block

  14. Festivals and Handwork

  15. Field Trips and Service Curriculum, Social Curriculum

  16. Classroom Management

  17. Parent Work

  18. Review


You will have access to all content of this series for 

three months after purchase. Also included is free

access to the following resources: 


  • Sample Syllabus

  • Rhythms of the day

  • Goals for Arithmetic

  • Block Rotation

  • General Goals

Once your purchase on the video series has gone through, please email me at for access to these supporting materials.

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Literature referenced

in the first grade video guides:


Building a Circle:

  • The Real Mother Goose

  • Nursery Rhyme Book by Beatrix Potter

  • Kindergarten Verse and Song Books

  • And Then Take Hands by W. M. Von Heider

  • The Waldorf Book of Poetry


Gathering Materials:

  • Balance in Teaching by Rudolf Steiner

  • Practical Advice to Teachers by Rudolf Steiner

  • Study of Man / Study of Human Beings by Rudolf Steiner

  • The Kingdom of Childhood by Rudolf Steiner

  • The Roots of Education by Rudolf Steiner

  • Rudolf Steiner’s Curriculum for Waldorf Schools by Karl Stockmeyer


Language Block II

  • Mother Westwind Books

  • The Tales of Tiptoes Lightly by Reg Dow

  • A Child’s Seasonal Treasury by Betty Jones (poetry)


81 Terrace Street

Keene, NH 03431

(603) 762-7423



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The videos in each course contain information and suggestions based on my 40+ years of experience, observations and studies as a Waldorf teacher. My work as a class teacher, teacher trainer, evaluator, mentor teacher, and speaker informs everything I have included on this website. This site is not affiliated with any training center or school. My inspiration comes from the education lectures and books that Rudolf Steiner developed from his insights into the development of children.

I disavow any of his work that is not inclusive and equitable to all.

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